To my Dearest Daughter

To my dearest daughter, 

“What if I haven’t done that”... we have to make choices throughout our lives. Sometimes we regret the results of our choices; even in the last moments of our life. I just want to tell you what I have realized through my experiences. Hope these will help you when you’re weighing a decision. 

* Web (Relationships) 

Being in a relationship means accepting people who have various personalities. It is difficult to find someone who is 100% your match. Instead of focusing on what you dislike about a person, I recommend you love them for who they are and you should not try to constantly refine them. If you see someone making an effort and accepting your differing opinion; pay attention. This type of person values the relationship. Strictly saying, people are end-products not a transformable kit. 

Don’t get close to people who aren't aware of your value. If trouble in a relationship happens, in that case you should figure out if it came from you or from others. If it turns out to be the latter, let it go and relax your mind. But most importantly, if you really want to make good friends, be the best person you can be. 

* Strangers on the planet 

Don’t focus on making people like you. At some point you will have to face a hostile person. Like the bestselling book title says, you must have “ the courage to be disliked.” 

You will meet a lot of people in your life. Don’t worry about making each meeting worth your while. Relationships are important, but they come and go. The world is full of people who will do you favors, but you also are likely to meet someone who isn’t inclined to help you. Whichever person you meet- you can handle them. Remember our world is full of variety and on top of that is always unpredictable. 

* Habits 

For all people time is money, so be on time. You should not stand up while eating. This rule is very important in our family. If the phone is ringing. It can wait. Place your soup bowl on your right as this too is a family tradition. Do not open umbrellas in the house. We believe it causes anxiety to the family. 

* Value 

If there are a few apples in a bucket, choose the best one first. Saving it may be useless. Live and enjoy the present. Moments will become experiences. Don’t let happiness slip through your fingers by worrying too much about the future. Pursuing how you can bring value comes first. This is honorable and wealth will follow. 

* Food 

The food you eat, tells who you are. Food is the only thing that goes in and out of our bodies, so it is important to eat good food. Don’t buy too many groceries, instead choose the best, even if it is less quantity within your budget. Try to eat the food in season. All plants on the planet have their own poison to protect them from their surrounding environment. Minimize eating vegetables raw. Instead blanch them in lightly boiling water. This includes fish, minimize eating raw fish. Sashimi should be enjoyed in small amounts. 

Making soup or stew is better than eating fried or grilled beef. Most of all, remember “ too much is as bad as too little” according to a Korean proverb. This will help your intake habit. If you start cooking, you must go through a lot of trial and error. Through this experience, you can realize the importance of basic skills. Remember the best dishes are created with the best ingredients and a basic recipe. 

You probably don’t get results you intended. To make matters worse, consequences may betray you. This is life. Looking back, good things may not be so great and bad things may not be so terrible. I have been thinking life is like a journey, and as a famous Korean poet said “ I'll go back to heaven again. At the end of my outing to this beautiful world; I'll go back and say: That was beautiful. . . .”.

Enjoy your journey and flutter kid, it’s the ultimate attitude for seeing the world.

Best Regards, 


John KoenigsComment