Today is the first class in our new four-class set. We will begin class with our editing exercise. Our reading today is on friendship, particularly ones that we lose over time. The vocabulary words will come from our reading. Please be able to identify them in class.
- sociology - (noun) the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
- estrangement - (noun) the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group.
- privy - (adj) sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private). AND a toilet located in a small shed outside a house or other building; an outhouse.
- gallivant- (verb) go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
Click HERE for the reading
Key Words and Phrases
- I want to get back with you- This is what we say when we want to start a romantic relationship again.
- Mutual- same feeling
- Teenage angst- the negative emotions teenagers feel
- Dispell that- to debunk or disprove something
- I don’t buy the motive- I don't believe it
- Conjure up a murderous rage- building up or gathering enough anger to kill someone
- Spur of the moment- suddenly
- Slap in the face- insulting and it makes you look stupid
- Fabricated a reason to get into her car- make up a story or an excuse to get in her car
- Concession stand- a place to buy snacks, like chips and soda
- Ramped up- building up, increasing in intensity
Listening Questions
What was Hyemin’s last diary entry about?
What team did Hyemin help manage?
Who did Hyemin always pick up after school?
What statement did Adnan reverse after Hyemin disappeared?