Today is the second class in our current four-class set. We will begin with our editing exercise. Our reading today is on friendship, particularly ones that we lose over time. The vocabulary words will come from our reading. Please be able to identify them in class.
- sociology - (noun) the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
- estrangement - (noun) the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group.
- privy - (adj) sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private). AND a toilet located in a small shed outside a house or other building; an outhouse.
- gallivant- (verb) go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
Click HERE for the reading
Key Words and Phrases
- The case had been adjudicated- This is a fancy way of saying there was a judgment made on the case, thereby ending the case.
- And it's inconclusive- There is no formal answer. It is still a mystery.
- Off-kilter story- The story is a little strange and is not logical
- Law abiding Baltimoreans- people from Baltimore Maryland that follow the law.
- Got the plane from his basement- A plane is a woodworking tool that shaves the wood to make it smooth and flat.
- Sustenance- something that provides energy, food.
- Weakness in the narrative- A narrative is a story, so the story is weak.
- Things are fishy- This means that there is doubt. Something is not quite right, questionable.
Listening Questions
Who is Mr. S?
What is Mr. S’s job?
Why does Mr. S stop at Leakin Park?
Why are Detectives Ritz and MacGillivary suspicious of Mr. S?