Today is the second class in our new four-class set. Our reading today is on friendship, particularly ones that we lose over time. The vocabulary words will come from our reading. Please be able to identify them in class.
- sociology - (noun) the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
- estrangement - (noun) the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group.
- privy - (adj) sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private). AND a toilet located in a small shed outside a house or other building; an outhouse.
- gallivant- (verb) go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
Click HERE for the reading
Key Words and Phrases
- Tearing me away from my religion- Adnan thinks that Hye Min is making him give up his religion.
- Gravity and the magnitude- this phrase describes the size and scope of a situation- usually a serious situation.
- A pantheon of ways a teenager can be disrespectful- pantheon represents a lot of something or great. So this line is saying that there are many ways for a teenager to be disrespectful.
- Middleground- or common ground describes finding a solution where both parties can agree.
- Fraught relationship- is usually a troubled relationship full of drama.
- Chastised him- to tell him what he did was wrong. Similar to scold him.
- And a pack of lies in which he cloaked himself- this line says that he used lies to hide his true nature.
- He wanted the phone so he could call girls unfettered- this means he wanted to call girls without any problems, and in his situation without his parents knowing. So he bought a cell phone.
- It really did seem like run of the mill teenage angst- run of the mill means common and angst is another word for anxiety.
- Adnan definitely wasn’t mooning over Hye- mooning over is a phrase that means think about a lover.
- So, yeah a player- a player is a guy that dates multiple women at the same time.
Listening questions
What kind of woman is Adnan’s mom, Shamim Syed?
What happened at the homecoming dance?
What did the English teacher have to say about Adnan?
Who is Don?