Today is the second class in our current four class set. We will begin with our collocation exercise. Our reading this week is about family and education choices in Korea.
Our listening material will George W. Bush’s eulogy for his father, the late George H.W. Bush. We will discuss it in class. Bring questions about the the jokes if you don’t understand. We will have an analytical writing question. You need to find the argument and three points that refute the argument. Please write in paragraph form.
Writing Question: As a result of numerous consumer complaints of dizziness and nausea, Promofoods requested that eight million cans of tuna be returned for testing last year. Promofoods concluded that the cans did not, after all, contain chemicals that posed a health risk. This conclusion is based on the fact that the chemists from Promofoods tested samples of the recalled cans and found that, of the eight chemicals most commonly blamed for causing symptoms of dizziness and nausea, five were not found in any of the tested cans. The chemists did find that the three remaining suspected chemicals are naturally found in all other kinds of canned foods.
Click HERE for the reading- find two words to bring to class from the reading. These words can be words you don’t know or ones that you find interesting.