Today is the last class in our current four class set. We will begin class with a last short numbers exercise.
The phrase of the week is, "one hell of a." This is an exclamatory phrase used emphasize an object. This phrase is borderline crass, but when used appropriately can be spoken for good effect. For example, "My mom makes one hell of a chicken soup." This means that her chicken soup tastes good and I want to give my mother a high compliment.
The reading today is about an impromptu sales pitch. In class, you will have to sell a pen to one of your classmates. Please pay attention to the framework at the end of the reading. Our listening material is by Korean TV Producer Nah YungSuk. I believe he gave the speech recently at the Cannes Film Festival. I know it is long, but I think there are many things we can discuss. Please choose one point that impressed you and be prepared to discuss it in class. There are no vocabulary words this week!
Click HERE for the reading material